Registration is now open for the next face-to-face ISPE GAMP UK Community of Practice Forum to be held on Tuesday 8th April at the Core Technology Facility, University of Manchester

The agenda is still being finalised, however, topics will include:

  • Interactive Session – How Effective is Risk Management Anyway?

  • Risk Management Cultural Consideration

  • User Case: Use of Tools in Agile

  • GAMP Basics: Change Control

  • Panel Discussion: AI – Terminology and the FDA's Glossary

  • Panel Discussion:  Electronic Records, Electronic Signature (When is a Record not a Record)

  • Process Control Systems GCP Update, MES Maturity

  • Use Case: AI/ML

  • Good Clinical Practices Update: Implications of ICH E6 R3

Draft agenda in full is available on the event registration page. 

Attendance at the Forum is free of charge including lunch and refreshments, courtesy of the sponsors of the event, Intuitive and PLG/Integrity. If you would like to register to attend the event, please register using Eventbrite via button below.

ISPE are aware that some companies are reluctant to support the travel costs and time-out for events like this.  ISPE/GAMP UK CoP leadership are happy to help justify attendance.  If you think this would be helpful, please contact them at gampukcop@ispeuk.org.

ISPE are also delighted to announce sponsorship of student attendees to this event. On a first-come, first served basis, ISPE will cover students' travel costs to encourage attendance. Please contact us at gampukcop@ispeuk.org for details.